do I have to pay for iLegal Legislation?
In short, iLegal took many years to develop and we
need to
eat. That said, we believe that iLegal is excellent value for money. A
copy of Halsbury's Statutes costs around £5,000 but (for less
than an average legal textbook) iLegal provides offline access to the
full, revised text of almost every single item of legislation ever
passed in the UK. Most users will find that iLegal pays for itself in just a few uses.
iLegal really contain every item of legislation?
iLegal contains the full text of all revised legislation available at Legislation.gov.uk.
New and updated legislation is added by on-the-fly updates as and when it is available.
iLegal presently contains the following items of legislation:
- UK Public General Acts
- UK Church Instruments
- UK Church Measures
- UK Local Acts
- UK Ministerial Orders
- Acts of Northern Ireland Assembly
- Acts of Northern Ireland Parliament
- Acts of Old Irish Parliament
- Measures of Northern Ireland Assembly
- Northern Ireland Orders in Council
- Acts of Scottish Parliament
- Acts of Old Scottish Parliament
- Measures of the National Assembly for Wales
- Acts of the English Parliament
- Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Where does all this legislation come from?
The legislation contained within this app is sourced directly from The National Archives. "Revised" means that amendments made by subsequent legislation are incorporated into the text. The revised versions of legislation are maintained by the editorial team at The National Archives and the staff of the Northern Ireland Statutory Publications Office.
According to The National Archives, all legislation in revised form has been updated with effects of legislation made up to 2002 (except for some effects of 2002 legislation that were not yet in force at the end of 2002). About half of all items of legislation are up-to-date to the present. For the remainder of legislation, there are still effects outstanding for at least one of the years 2003 to present.
The National Archives has embarked on a programme designed to bring the revised legislation fully up to date, but it is likely to be some time until this goal is achieved. Please see http://www.legislation.gov.uk/changes for more information.
I want to buy iLegal for everyone in my
office. Do you do discount?
Absolutely, we welcome enquiries from law firms, chambers, law schools
and universities. Please e-mail our Sales Team at sales@ilegalapps.com
to discuss your requirements.
having trouble. Can I speak to someone?
iLegal is an extremely stable application, which has undergone
extensive testing by our expert team. However, in the unlikley event
that you encounter any problems, please do not hesitate to contact our
Support Team using our Support Ticket System.
Engraved Ltd